Derma Guard Cream for Swimmers

Chlorine swimming pool rash can spoil your enjoyment if you are one of the many people in the world who love swimming. People of all ages, from very young infants to individuals well into their 90s enjoy their swimming pool sessions and not only is there a vast age range who love swimming there are also many different reasons why people swim. Unfortunately there can be a down side to the pleasure of the water and that is the dry skin or rash that can sometimes occur when the chlorine or other swimming pool chemicals irritate your skin.

Public swimming pools have to be kept free of the countless number of “bugs” that could thrive in the warm water. Often chlorine is one of the chemicals used to protect the swimmers, however it also removes the natural oils, or lipid layer as it is known, that keep healthy skin feeling moist and supple. Once the lipid layer is removed your skin will very quickly become dry and this is frequently accompanied by quite an intense itching from the chlorine.

If not treated, the chlorine irritation or rash can then develop so that your skin will become brittle. Brittle skin will not stretch as nature intended, instead it will start to split and crack in a very painful and embarrassing manner. If your skin becomes dry and then splits and cracks not only will swimming exacerbate the skin problem it will also open up your skin to other infections. Derma Guard works as an effective chlorine rash cream that soothes and protects the skin from the dryness caused by exposure to chlorine.


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